Saturday, September 27, 2008

Olive oil for acne scars

« ...Vitamin E is important to your skin and acne condition because it is a vital element in skin and tissue repairing process. It also has the ability to fight skin aging, a huge plus for those who are facing adult acne. Although not scientifically proven, Vitamin E tends to accelerate the healing process of acne scars and a lot of people who have tried to use Vitamin E have positive experiences with it without developing any acne scars....
...There are several effective methods available these days to treat cystic acne. Don't expect acne creams and gets to work wonders when the skin is suffering from cystic acne. Experts suggest injectable medication or oral antibiotics that are required to cure the cystic acne. You should visit a good doctor to prescribe you some effective drugs to treat cystic acne. Under circumstances where initial antibiotic treatment proves ineffective, your doctor will prescribe you a stronger medication course to treat the problems....»
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«...Another effective herbal acne treatment includes fenugreek. You can make paste out of fenugreek leaves, which you can apply on your face every night. Leave the paste on overnight then wash off with warm water the next day. Grated cucumber placed over the face and neck for 15 to 20 minutes can prevent blackheads and pimples. Other notable useful herbs for your skin are green tea, tea tree oil, lavender and golden seal. These contain anti-microbial properties that help stop and prevent infection....»
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tags: the best acne medication, top consumer review acne, laser acne scar removal phx az

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