Saturday, September 27, 2008

The best acne treatments recommended by doctors

« ...In more serious cases your skin care specialist may decide that a small surgical procedure can be used to remove the oil and infection from your pores; although this is a minor procedure, if it were performed by the person themselves it could result in skin damage. Hormone treatment might be suggested as hormone changes can cause skin problems; hormone changes are known to be one cause of acne. There is no longer any reason to despair if you have this skin complaint or are prone to its effects....
...Acne vulgaris is a type of acne that is inflammatory in nature. Although acne is found to be at its most severe stage in the teenage years, it is known to become mild and mostly disappear as a person crosses this turbulent period in life. Besides teenagers, women commonly face acne problems during their PMS phase. This is because there are a lot of hormonal changes in the body before a woman gets her period. Surprisingly even people in their 40s have also been known to get pimpls....»
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«...But the debate over which kind of anti-acne product you should purchase goes even deeper than how well it treats your acne. What I like about Acnezine is that, unlike many acne products, even if it didn't cure your acne, you'd be better off for taking it. Acnezine actually improves your health. It's contains powerful antioxidants which have been shown to improve longevity, improve brain function, and maximize overall health. On the other hand, benzoyl peroxide, the main ingredient in Proactiv, has actually been shown to promote skin cancer in lab tests on mice. This is because it generates free radicals in the skin. Whether or not the risk of skin cancer to a human is great enough to warrant precaution, benzoyl peroxide DOES create free radicals, which are the cause of acne. Overall, Acnezine is a much safer, healthy and more effective product. Its antioxidants and herbs help to treat the underlying cause of acne and improve your health to boot....»
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tags: acne back chest exercise, how to properly treat acne, how can i get rid of acne

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